Great night at Stephens Chapter. Companion Allan Patman completed his Exaltation by taking the second part of the Holy Royal Arch Degree. Great work by all involved.
Special mention goes to Ex Comp Rod Single and Comp Peter Watson who delivered first time charges brilliantly. Rod, the Symbolic Lecture, and Peter, the Closing Address.
We were also delighted to welcome Rt Ex Comp John France PDGZ who presented our Ex First Principal, V Ex Comp Tom Kwok with his Diploma of Masonic Education for Royal Arch Masonry from the Grand Chapter of SA & NT. Tom is only one of two candidates who have completed this qualification at a ‘Credit’ level. The other was also a Queenslander, the late Peter Percali from Cairns. The GZ, M Ex Comp John Ross, was also to attend but was indisposed and sent his best wishes and congratulations to Tom.
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