Last night Stephens Conclave No 5 held its Installation ceremony and installed Bro Paul Holland as Worthy Supreme Ruler.
IPWSM, Worthy Bro Bruce Thomas, conducted the ceremony, which was very well done.
We were honoured to have both the Most Worthy Grand Supreme Ruler, Most Worthy Brother Don Long and the Right Worthy Deputy Grand Supreme
Ruler, Right Worthy Bro Brian Newton in attendance.The MWGSR was
accompanied by four Past Grand Supreme Rulers - Most Worthy Brothers
Reg Matthews, Ted Bousen, Keith McElligott and Ian Wylde - and a
Past Deputy Grand Supreme Ruler - Right Worthy Brother Don Burns.
To cap off a great night for Stephens, the MWGSR elevated Rt Wthy Bro Allan Verran to Past Grand Counsellor and Rt Wthy Bro Ramon Hutchison to Past Grand Guide.
Pictured are some of the Brethren at the conclusion of the meeting,
with the Worthy Supreme Ruler, Paul Holland front centre flanked by the two Presenting Supreme Rulers, Wthy Bro Tim Powys of Friendship Conclave and M Wthy Bro Keith McElligott of Fidelis Conclave.
(click on the image to enlarge)
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