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Our sister lodge, Lodge St George No 246 UGLQ

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Silver Cross Work

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Peter Donald

I have a Life Govenors Jewell presented to my Great Grandfather Peter Cruickshank by Silver Cross Lodge No 8 in 1916. It was given to me 40 years ago by my mother when I joined the craft. I note the new Silver Cross will be numbered No 17. Is there a reason why no 17 was chosen for the new Silver Cross lodge and not the No 8 of 1916 vintage.?

Paul Holland

That's a great keepsake Bro Peter. I'd love pic of it. Yes the numbering is deliberate as No 17 is Silver Cross' UGLQ number given in 1921 and all lodges must abide by that system. Actually Silver Cross' original number was 504 under the Scottish Constitution in 1869. It was given No 8 under the Grand Lodge of Queensland in 1904 but took 17 at union in 1921.

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About Lodge Silver Cross

  • About Lodge Silver Cross
    Lodge Silver Cross is a Masonic Lodge based in Brisbane Australia and is numbered 17 on the roll of the United Grand Lodge of Queensland. It was originally instituted as Lodge Silver Cross No 504 under the Scottish Constitution in 1869. It is was the fourth Scottish Lodge established in Queensland after Lodges St Andrew, Athole and Melville, and Caledonian. In 1904 Silver Cross joined the Grand Lodge of Queensland as No 8 and when the United Grand Lodge of Queensland was formed in 1921 it became No 17 UGLQ. In 2007 Silver Cross surrendered its warrant. However in 2016 it was granted permission by the Most Worshipful Grand Master to resume activity as Lodge Silver Cross and retain its roll number of 17. Lodge Silver Cross has returned to its Scottish Ritual Work and its original Scottish Craft livery of green and gold. It has become a 'sister' lodge of Lodge St George No 246 UGLQ. Lodge Silver Cross meets at the Masonic Memorial Centre at 311 Ann Street in Brisbane on the 2nd Thursday night of each month except June. Tyling time is 7.00pm. We conduct our Installation Ceremony on the 3rd Saturday in June each year in conjunction with Lodge St George.

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